Pendidikan Agama Kristen Advent

Pendidikan Kristen itu adalah Pendidikan Yang Alkitabiah.

“Karena Allah merupakan sumber segala pengetahuan yang benar…Kitab Suci adalah standar sempurna kebenaran …oleh sebab itu harus diberi tempat tertinggi dalam pendidikan.”Mari kita renungkan, apakah sekolah tempat kita menyekolahkan anak-anak kita adalah merupakan sekolah yang mengutamakan “Alkitab”? - Ny. White menuliskan dalam buku Pendidikan, halaman 16

Pendidikan Kristen adalah Pendidikan Yang Seimbang.

Berbeda dengan pendidikan lainnya, pendidikan Kristen itu berusaha untuk mendidik orang-orang muda secara seimbang dalam 3H yakni head, hand and heart. Ellen White mengatakan: “Pembangunan tabiat merupakan tugas terpenting yang pernah dipercayakan kepada manusia.” Sekolah mana yang menyadari hal ini? - (Education, p. 225)

Pendidikan Kristen adalah merupakan Pendidikan yang Praktis.

Di sekolah Kristen anak-anak dididik untuk taat, berdisiplin, tahu menghargai waktu, mau bekerja dengan tangan, ulet, rajin, jujur, setia dalam melakukan pekerjaan, yang semuanya ini bertujuan untuk membangun mereka menjadi manusia yang praktis, berdayaguna, elegan dan dapat dipercaya. Tersedianya lapangan pekerjaan bagi para pelajar dan mahasiswa di lembaga pendidikan Kristen seperti di SLA Purwodadi adalah merupakan respons terhadap apa yang Ellen White sebutkan - dalam buku Education, halaman 225

Pendidikan Kristen mengajarkan Kepada Anak Didiknya Bersosial.

Kehidupan sosial di sekolah-sekolah Kristen dibuat merupakan aplikasi dari tulisan Ellen White , “pendidikan itu mencakup segenap lingkungan kewajiban, terhadap diri sendiri, terhadap dunia, terhadap Allah.” Di sekolah mana lagi kita menemukan hal seperti ini, kecuali di sekolah Kristen. - dalam buku Pendidikan, halaman 225

Pendidikan Kristen adalah merupakan Pendidikan Missionaris.

Sebagai lembaga Pendidikan Kristen, sekolah kita menyadari eksistensinya di dunia ini bukan seperti sekolah-sekolah lain. Keberadaan sekolah Kristen ialah dengan maksud agar para pelajar dan mahasiswanya dapat menjadi jembatan penghubung antara manusia dengan Allah. Pendidikan Kristen adalah merupakan sekolah missionaris. Ellen White menuliskan: “Setiap murid yang sejati dilahirkan ke dalam kerajaan Allah sebagai seorang missionaris.” - dalam buku Kerinduan Segala Zaman, jilid I halaman 175

Pendidikan Kristen adalah merupakan Pendidikan Missionaris.

Dalam kegiatan-kegiatan ekstrakurikuler di sekolah kita para pelajar dilatih untuk menjadi missionaris, mereka diajak untuk mengadakan perlawatan, penginjilan ke penjara dan melakukan pekerjaan missionaris yang lainnya. Karena sekolah kita sangat meyakini sepenuhnya bahwa: “Pendidikan bukan hanya mempengaruhi hidup kita saat ini, tetapi juga mempengaruhi kehidupan kita sampai kepada kekekalan.” - (Baca CT 90)

Pendidikan Kristen adalah merupakan Pendidikan Missionaris.

Ny. White berkata: “Sekolah-sekolah kita menjalankan peraturan yang lebih tinggi, di mana tidak terjadi bentuk-bentuk ketidaksetiaan. Para murid harus dididik dalam hal Kekristenan yang praktis dan Alkitab haruslah dijunjung tinggi sebagai buku pelajaran yang paling penting.” - Fundamental of Education, halaman 231

Welcome to our EDUCATION

Kisah Rasul-rasul 2:38, 39. Ini tentu menjamin adanya pekerjaan Roh Kudus di dalam gereja, di dalam kenyataan-kenyataan yang istimewa, pada masa mendatang selama rahmat Kristus masih mengundang manusia untuk menerima kasih yang mengampuni itu. Dua puluh delapan tahun kemudian di dalam suratnya kepada orang-orang di Korinti, Paulus membentangkan kepada gereja itu tentang persoalan ini. Ia berkata, “Adapun akan hal segala karunia yang rohani, hai saudara-saudaraku, tiada aku suka kamu tiada mengetahui” —begitu penting hal ini sehingga ia merasa bahwa itu harus dimengerti oleh gereja Kristen. Setelah menyatakan bahwa sekalipun Roh itu satu Ia bekerja dalam berbagai macam cara dan menjelaskan cara-cara yang berbeda itu, ia memberikan gambaran dengan menyebutkan tentang tub uh manusia, dengan berbagai macam anggota-anggotanya untuk menunjukkan bagaimana gereja itu terdiri dari berbagai macam pekerjaan dan karunia. Dan sebagaimana tubuh itu mempunyai anggota-anggota tubuh yang berbeda-beda, masing-masing mempunyai tugas tersendiri untuk dilaksanakannya, dan semuanya itu bekerja bersama-sama dengan satu tujuan sehingga terjadilah satu keselarasan, begitu juga Roh itu bekerja melalui saluran yang berbedabeda di dalam gereja sehingga terbentuklah satu tubuh agama yang sempurna. Paulus kemudian melanjutkan dengan kata-kata seperti berikut ini: “Maka Allah telah menetapkan beberapa orang di dalam sidang jumaat, pertamatama rasul-rasul, kedua nabi-nabi, ketiga guru-guru, kemudian mujizat, kemudian pula kuasa menyembuhkan orang, pertolongan, pemerintahan, dan jenis-jenis karunia lidah.” {PB1 12.2}.

Senin, 25 Desember 2017

Pendalaman Alkitab

Pdt H.I Misah          

Penjelasan Tentang Sabat Hari Ketujuh

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Jumat, 22 Desember 2017

WHO headquarters (Geneva)

Young people between the ages of 10 and 19 years                       ! Klik

Adolescents – young people between the ages of 10 and 19 years – are often thought of as a healthy group. Nevertheless, many adolescents do die prematurely due to accidents, suicide, violence, pregnancy related complications and other illnesses that are either preventable or treatable. Many more suffer chronic ill-health and disability. In addition, many serious diseases in adulthood have their roots in adolescence. For example, tobacco use, sexually transmitted infections including HIV, poor eating and exercise habits, lead to illness or premature death later in life.

WHO and partners launch guidance to help countries improve adolescent health

In a major report WHO summarizes evidence-based adolescent health interventions and provides guidance on priority setting and programming. Additionally, 75 case studies from countries applying recommended programmes show the results of efforts to improve the health and well-being of adolescents.

Adolescents: health risks and solutions

Fact sheet
Updated May 2017

Key facts

  • Estimated 1.2 million adolescents died in 2015, over 3000 every day, mostly from preventable or treatable causes.
  • Road traffic injuries were the leading cause of death in 2015. Other major causes of adolescent deaths include lower respiratory infections, suicide, diarrhoeal diseases, and drowning.
  • Globally, there are 44 births per 1000 to girls aged 15 to 19 per year.
  • Half of all mental health disorders in adulthood start by age 14, but most cases are undetected and untreated.

Around 1.2 billion people, or 1 in 6 of the world’s population, are adolescents aged 10 to 19.
Most are healthy, but there is still substantial premature death, illness, and injury among adolescents. Illnesses can hinder their ability to grow and develop to their full potential. Alcohol or tobacco use, lack of physical activity, unprotected sex and/or exposure to violence can jeopardize not only their current health, but also their health as adults, and even the health of their future children.
Promoting healthy behaviours during adolescence, and taking steps to better protect young people from health risks are critical for the prevention of health problems in adulthood, and for countries’ future health and ability to develop and thrive.

Main health issues include:

Early pregnancy and childbirth
The leading cause of death for 15– 19-year-old girls globally is complications from pregnancy and childbirth.
Some 11% of all births worldwide are to girls aged 15–19 years, and the vast majority of these births are in low- and middle-income countries. The UN Population Division puts the global adolescent birth rate in 2015 at 44 births per 1000 girls this age – country rates range from 1 to over 200 births per 1000 girls (1). This indicates a marked decrease since 1990. This decrease is reflected in a similar decline in maternal mortality rates among 15–19 year olds.
One of the specific targets of the health Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 3) is that by 2030, the world should ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health-care services, including for family planning, information and education, and the integration of reproductive health into national strategies and programmes. To support this, a proposed indicator for the Global strategy for women’s, children’s and adolescents’ health is the adolescent birth rate.
Better access to contraceptive information and services can reduce the number of girls becoming pregnant and giving birth at too young an age. Laws that specify a minimum age of marriage at 18 and which are enforced can help.
Girls who do become pregnant need access to quality antenatal care. Where permitted by law, adolescents who opt to terminate their pregnancies should have access to safe abortion.
More than 2 million adolescents are living with HIV. Although the overall number of HIV-related deaths is down 30% since the peak in 2006 estimates suggest that HIV deaths among adolescents are rising. This increase, which has been predominantly in the WHO African Region, may reflect the fact that although more children with HIV survive into adolescence, they do not all then get the care and support they need to remain in good health and prevent transmission. In sub-Saharan Africa only 10% of young men and 15% of young women aged 15 to 24 are aware of their HIV status.
One of the specific targets of the health Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 3) is that by 2030 there should be an end to the epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and neglected tropical diseases, hepatitis, water-borne diseases and other communicable diseases. Given the high prevalence of HIV in many countries, to achieve this, adolescents will need to be central to control efforts.
Young people need to know how to protect themselves and must have the means to do so. This includes being able to obtain condoms to prevent sexual transmission of the virus and clean needles and syringes for those who inject drugs. Better access to HIV testing and counselling, and stronger subsequent links to HIV treatment services for those who test HIV positive, are also needed.
Other infectious diseases
Thanks to improved childhood vaccination, adolescent deaths and disability from measles have fallen markedly – for example, by 90% in the African Region between 2000 and 2012. Diarrhoea and lower respiratory tract infections are estimated to be among the top 5 causes of death for 10–19 year olds. These two diseases, together with meningitis, are the top three causes of adolescent death in African low and middle-income countries (LMICs).
Mental health
Depression is the third leading cause of illness and disability among adolescents, and suicide is the third leading cause of death in older adolescents (15–19 years). Violence, poverty, humiliation and feeling devalued can increase the risk of developing mental health problems.
Building life skills in children and adolescents and providing them with psychosocial support in schools and other community settings can help promote good mental health. Programmes to help strengthen the ties between adolescents and their families are also important. If problems arise, they should be detected and managed by competent and caring health workers.
Violence is a leading cause of death in older adolescent males. Interpersonal violence represents 43% of all adolescent male deaths in LMICs in the WHO Americas Region. Globally, 1 in 10 girls under the age of 20 years report experiencing sexual violence.
Promoting nurturing relationships between parents and children early in life, providing training in life skills, and reducing access to alcohol and firearms can help to prevent injuries and deaths due to violence. Effective and empathetic care for adolescent survivors of violence and ongoing support can help deal with the physical and psychological consequences.
Alcohol and drugs
Harmful drinking among adolescents is a major concern in many countries. It reduces self-control and increases risky behaviours, such as unsafe sex or dangerous driving. It is a primary cause of injuries (including those due to road traffic accidents), violence (especially by a partner) and premature deaths. It can also lead to health problems in later life and affect life expectancy. Setting a minimum age for buying and consuming alcohol and regulating how alcoholic drinks are targeted at the younger market are among the strategies for reducing harmful drinking.
Drug use among 15–19 year olds is also an important global concern. Drug control may focus on reducing drug demand, drug supply, or both, and successful programmes usually include structural, community, and individual-level interventions.
Unintentional injuries are the leading cause of death and disability among adolescents. In 2015, over 115 000 adolescents died as a result of road traffic accidents. Young drivers need advice on driving safely, while laws that prohibit driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs need to be strictly enforced. Blood alcohol levels need to be set lower for teenage drivers. Graduated licences for novice drivers with zero-tolerance for drink-driving are recommended.
Drowning is also a major cause of death among adolescents – 57 000 adolescents, two-thirds of them boys, are estimated to have drowned in 2015, and teaching children and adolescents to swim is an essential intervention to prevent these deaths.
Malnutrition and obesity
Many boys and girls in developing countries enter adolescence undernourished, making them more vulnerable to disease and early death. At the other end of the spectrum, the number of adolescents who are overweight or obese is increasing in low, middle and high-income countries.
Exercise and nutrition
Iron deficiency anaemia is the leading cause of years lost to death and disability in 2015. Iron and folic acid supplements are a solution that also helps to promote health before adolescents become parents. Regular deworming in areas where intestinal helminths such as hookworm are common is recommended to prevent micronutrient (including iron) deficiencies.
Developing healthy eating and exercise habits in adolescence are foundations for good health in adulthood. Reducing the marketing of foods high in saturated fats, trans-fatty acids, free sugars, or salt and providing access to healthy foods and opportunities to engage in physical activity are important for all but especially children and adolescents. Yet available survey data indicate that fewer than 1 in every 4 adolescents meets the recommended guidelines for physical activity: 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity daily.
Tobacco use
The vast majority of people using tobacco today began doing so when they were adolescents. Prohibiting the sale of tobacco products to minors and increasing the price of tobacco products through higher taxes, banning tobacco advertising and ensuring smoke-free environments are crucial. Globally, at least 1 in 10 adolescents aged 13 to 15 years uses tobacco, although there are areas where this figure is much higher. Cigarette smoking seems to be decreasing among younger adolescents in some high-income countries.
Rights of adolescents
The rights of children (people under 18 years of age) to survive, grow and develop are enshrined in international legal documents. In 2013, the Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC), which oversees the child rights convention, published guidelines on the right of children and adolescents to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health, and a General Comment on realizing the rights of children during adolescence was published in 2016. It highlights states’ obligations to recognise the special health and development needs and rights of adolescents and young people.
The Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) also sets out the rights of women and girls to health and adequate health care.

WHO response

In May 2017, WHO published a major report: Global Accelerated Action for the Health of Adolescents (AA-HA!): Guidance to support country implementation. The AA-HA! Guidance has drawn on inputs received during extensive consultations with Member States, United Nations agencies, adolescents and young people, civil society and other partners. It aims to assist governments in deciding what they plan to do and how they plan to do it as they respond to the health needs of adolescents in their countries. This reference document targets national-level policy-makers and programme managers to assist them in planning, implementing , monitoring and evaluation of adolescent health programmes.
Overall, WHO carries out a range of functions to improve the health of young people, including:
  • production of evidence-based guidelines to support health services and other sectors;
  • making recommendations to governments on adolescent health and the provision of high quality, age-appropriate health services for adolescents;
  • documenting progress in adolescent health and development; and
  • raising awareness of health issues for young people among the general public and other interested stakeholders.


(1) SDG Indicators, Global Database

Sumber :

Selasa, 05 Desember 2017

Rabu, 29 November 2017

Berlian 709 karat

Ini wujud berlian 709 karat yang akan makmurkan warga Sierra Leone     ! Klik

Minggu, 26 November 2017

Lagu Daerah Rohani

Aku ingin mengikut Yesus - bahasa Tombulku Minahasa                                      ! Klik

Lagu Rohani Manado 60 menit nonstop                                                                 ! Klik

Minggu, 19 November 2017

Penjelasan Lukas 2 :52

Menjadi Kristen  yang menyenangkan                                   ! Klik 

Tafsir injil lukas hlm 105                                                       ! Klik

Pertumbuhan Iman                                                                  ! Klik 

Berada di rumah                                                                      ! Klik 

Usia 12 dan 13 tahun wajib hidup menurut ajaran taurat        ! Klik 

Bertumbuh dalam tencananya                                                  ! Klik 

Yesus di bait Allah bertumbuh dalam hikmat dan fisik           ! Klik 

Yesus menyadari tujuan bapa surgawinya                                ! Klik 

Masa  Kanak-kanak Yesus                                                        ! Klik

Bertumbuh dlam cara Tuhan                                                    ! Klik  

Bertumbuh seperti Yesus                                                          ! Klik

Suluh Siswa kelas 10                                                                ! Klik  

Berpikir seperti Yesus                                                              ! Klik 

Memahami Perjanjin baru                                                         ! Klik

Tafsir Alkitab lukas 2:52                                                          ! Klik

Kemanusiaan Yesus di lukas 2:52                                            ! Klik 

 Teologi perjanjian baru Lukas 5:52                                         ! Klik 

Pertumbuhan Fisik Yesus  Lukas 2:52                                     ! Klik

Tafsil Alkitab Perjanjian Baru  Lukas                                       ! Klik

YouTube Nasenat untuk pemakai Gagdget

Efek Gadge                                                                            ! Klik

Gadget dulu VS Sekarang                                                     !  Klik

Efek dari Gadget                                                                    ! Klik  

Kehidupan karena Gadget                                                     ! Klik 

Mendidik anak diera digital                                                   ! Klik 

Tentukann waktu anak memakai gadget  saptu minggu        ! Klik 

Berapa jam sejari anak dapat memakai gadget                      ! Klik 

Aturan bermain Gadget                                                          ! Klik

14 bahaya kecanduan Bermain gadget                                  ! Klik  

Pengaruh Gadget Smarfone terhadap remaja                        ! Klik

Kecanduan Smarfone usia 13 tahun di rehabilitasi               ! Klik

Pengaruh Gadget                                                                   ! Klik

Selasa, 14 November 2017

YouTube bahaya gadget

Bahaya  menggunakan gadget pada Anak                                        ! Klik

Bahaya menggunakan Gadget                                                          ! Klik

 Perkembangan Gadget masa kini                                                    ! Klik

 4 bahaya mengerikan  melihat layar ponsel terus menerus             ! Klik

Bahaya gadget bagi kesehatan mata                                                 ! Klik

Gadget dapat merusak otak                                                               ! Klik 

Dampak penggunaan Gadget                                                            ! Klik

HandPhone Membunuhmu                                                                ! Klik

Info Kesehatan mengenai gadget                                                      ! Klik

Gadget menganggu penglihatan mata                                               ! Klik 

7 Alasan menghindari Gadget                                                           ! Klik 

2 jam saja sehari menggunakan Gadget                                            ! Klik

Kamis, 02 November 2017

Mengenal wawancara

Teknik pengumpulan data                                                       ! Klik

Selasa, 31 Oktober 2017

gadget Fotografi


Senin, 30 Oktober 2017

Alasan Tidak semangat belajar

Sudah kenal pacaran                       ! Klik

Artikel Gadget

Pengertian Gadget                                                                    ! Klik

Gadget menganggu tidur remaja                                               ! Klik

Gadget merampok waktu tidur remaja                                      ! Klik

Banyak remaja mengunakan gadget                                          ! Klik

Seberapa besar gadget mempengaruhi kerohanian mahasiswa ! Klik

Penulisan tentang Gadget                                                           ! Klik

Artikel asal mula nama Gadget                                                  ! Klik

Perkembangan gedget di indonesia                                            ! Klik

Devinisi   smartphone                                                                ! Klik

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Buku Gedget adalah....


Chatting  dimalam hari mempengaruhi Remaja          ! Klik

Women Guide                                                              ! Klik

Belajar Cepat Googlen                                                ! Klik

Gadget adalah aplikasi Windows                                ! Klik

123 Jurus Windows                                                     ! Klik

Ayah dan ibu                                                               ! Klik

Mahir Windows                                                           ! Klik

Disik anak sesuai jaman                                              ! Klik

Mudah pelajari Windows                                            ! Klik

Cara muda kuasai Gadget                                            ! Klik

Ide segar internet                                                         ! Klik

Mendewakan Gadget                                                   ! Klik

Gadget yang di gunakan adalah Ponsel dll                 ! Klik

Penggila Gadget akan saling menghina                       ! Klik

Gadget adalam penemuan penting bagi komunikasi   ! Klik

Sikecil main gadget                                                     ! Klik

Gadget membuat masalah tidur                                  ! Klik

Gadget di gambarkan sebagai perbudakan baru        ! Klik

Pengguna Gadget menderita penyakit                          ! Klik

Jenis barang Gadget                                                    ! Klik

! Klik

Gadget yang canggih akan mahal                                 ! Klik

Gadget bergunan untuk melihat foto                            ! Klik

Gadget untuk kencan                                                    ! Klik

disiplin dulu orang tuanya baru anaknya                     ! Klik

Contoh pemasangan Gadget Jam                                 ! Klik 

Tampilan destop gadget                                               ! Klik

Gadget yang sering di gunakan adalah Ponsel             ! Klik

Gadget seperti MP3                                                     ! Klik

Gadget dan teknologi                                                   ! Klik

Pesan makanan menggunakan Gadget                         ! Klik

Membeli Gadget                                                          ! Klik

Gadget sama dengan Mobile                                       ! Klik

Interaksi sosial

Buku Master SMP                     ! Klik


Andalkan Gadget untuk diamkam anak berakhir dampak      ! Klik

! Klik

! Klik

Info Pengguna Internet

                                                                           ! Klik

Kumpulan Tugas Siswa SLA Purwodadi tentang Gadget

Angel Mamary                                                        ! Klik

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Minggu, 29 Oktober 2017

Akibat Gadget

Gangguan kesehatan akibat Gadget                                       ! Klik

Mengatasi kecanduan  Gadget                                               ! Klik

Gadget menggangu tidur remaja                                            ! Klik

Pengaruh motifasi beljar                                                         ! Klik

Karya Ilmiah                                                                           ! Klik

Pengaruh Gadget                                                                     ! Klik

Bahaya Gadget                                                                        ! Klik

Kecanduan Gadget                                                                  ! Klik

Dampak negatif pengguna HP                                                ! Klik

DAmpak positif dan negatif  gadget                                       ! Klik

7 Resiko penguna gadget                                                        ! Klik

Bahaya gadget bagi tubuh manusia                                        ! Klik

Gadget memmbunuh kutu Buku                                            ! Klik

! Klik

Minggu, 22 Oktober 2017


Pengertian Pendidikan Holistik            ! KLik

Pendidikan Holistik                               ! Klik

Potret Pendidikan                                  ! Klik

Tujuan Pendidikan Holistik                  ! Klik  


Sejarah Holistik                                                                                    ! Klik

Pendidikan Holistik di Indonesia                                                        ! Klik


Pendidikan holistik pemerintah                   ! Klik







Jumat, 20 Oktober 2017

Kumpulan skipsi

Kumpulan Skipsi terbaik                                               ! Klik

Skripsi Wajib Dimuat di Jurnal

Skripsi Wajib Dimuat di Jurnal     ! Kompas

Rabu, 18 Oktober 2017


Menurut Warta Gereja Yesus sejati                                      ! Klik

Gedget seperti dewa-dewi                                                   ! Klik 

Menurut Warta Maranata                                                    ! Klik

karena kesepian                                                                  ! Klik

Menurut Bapak Jokowi                                                      ! Klik

Pengaruh Gadget                                                                ! Klik

Gadget dalam perkrmbangan                                             ! Klik

Pengaruh Gedget di kalangan pelajar                                ! Klik

Gadget mempengaruhi perilaku sosial                              ! Klik

Gadget, Penggunaan dan Dampat pada  anak-anak          ! Klik

HP menurut Alkitab                                                           ! Klik

Pengaruh  gadget kepada keagamaan Mahasiswa              ! Klik

Gedget masuk gereja                                                          ! Klik

                                                                                             ! Klik

                                                                                           ! Klik 

  Tugas dari siswa Gadget                                                 ! Klik

Pengertian Gadget agar tidak bingng                                ! Klik 

Sejarah Gadget                                                                  ! Klik

Definisi Filsafat Pendidikan Kristen

Devinisi Penidikan Kristen                                                              ! Klik

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Senin, 16 Oktober 2017

Contoh Kuesioner

Gadget                                                                                                      !   Klik
                                                                                                                  !  Klik 
Pengaruh Penggunan Gadget terhadap Kesehatan Mata Siswa SMP      ! Klik 

Bahaya Gadget                                                                                         !  Klik

Angket pengaruh prestasi belajar siswa                                                   !  Klik

Kamu Kecanduan Smartphone? Jawab 20 Pertanyaan Ini!                    ! Klik

Kuesioner wawancara gadget                                                                  ! Klik

Penelitian pengaruh penggunaan gadget                                                  ! Klik