Pendidikan Agama Kristen Advent

Pendidikan Kristen itu adalah Pendidikan Yang Alkitabiah.

“Karena Allah merupakan sumber segala pengetahuan yang benar…Kitab Suci adalah standar sempurna kebenaran …oleh sebab itu harus diberi tempat tertinggi dalam pendidikan.”Mari kita renungkan, apakah sekolah tempat kita menyekolahkan anak-anak kita adalah merupakan sekolah yang mengutamakan “Alkitab”? - Ny. White menuliskan dalam buku Pendidikan, halaman 16

Pendidikan Kristen adalah Pendidikan Yang Seimbang.

Berbeda dengan pendidikan lainnya, pendidikan Kristen itu berusaha untuk mendidik orang-orang muda secara seimbang dalam 3H yakni head, hand and heart. Ellen White mengatakan: “Pembangunan tabiat merupakan tugas terpenting yang pernah dipercayakan kepada manusia.” Sekolah mana yang menyadari hal ini? - (Education, p. 225)

Pendidikan Kristen adalah merupakan Pendidikan yang Praktis.

Di sekolah Kristen anak-anak dididik untuk taat, berdisiplin, tahu menghargai waktu, mau bekerja dengan tangan, ulet, rajin, jujur, setia dalam melakukan pekerjaan, yang semuanya ini bertujuan untuk membangun mereka menjadi manusia yang praktis, berdayaguna, elegan dan dapat dipercaya. Tersedianya lapangan pekerjaan bagi para pelajar dan mahasiswa di lembaga pendidikan Kristen seperti di SLA Purwodadi adalah merupakan respons terhadap apa yang Ellen White sebutkan - dalam buku Education, halaman 225

Pendidikan Kristen mengajarkan Kepada Anak Didiknya Bersosial.

Kehidupan sosial di sekolah-sekolah Kristen dibuat merupakan aplikasi dari tulisan Ellen White , “pendidikan itu mencakup segenap lingkungan kewajiban, terhadap diri sendiri, terhadap dunia, terhadap Allah.” Di sekolah mana lagi kita menemukan hal seperti ini, kecuali di sekolah Kristen. - dalam buku Pendidikan, halaman 225

Pendidikan Kristen adalah merupakan Pendidikan Missionaris.

Sebagai lembaga Pendidikan Kristen, sekolah kita menyadari eksistensinya di dunia ini bukan seperti sekolah-sekolah lain. Keberadaan sekolah Kristen ialah dengan maksud agar para pelajar dan mahasiswanya dapat menjadi jembatan penghubung antara manusia dengan Allah. Pendidikan Kristen adalah merupakan sekolah missionaris. Ellen White menuliskan: “Setiap murid yang sejati dilahirkan ke dalam kerajaan Allah sebagai seorang missionaris.” - dalam buku Kerinduan Segala Zaman, jilid I halaman 175

Pendidikan Kristen adalah merupakan Pendidikan Missionaris.

Dalam kegiatan-kegiatan ekstrakurikuler di sekolah kita para pelajar dilatih untuk menjadi missionaris, mereka diajak untuk mengadakan perlawatan, penginjilan ke penjara dan melakukan pekerjaan missionaris yang lainnya. Karena sekolah kita sangat meyakini sepenuhnya bahwa: “Pendidikan bukan hanya mempengaruhi hidup kita saat ini, tetapi juga mempengaruhi kehidupan kita sampai kepada kekekalan.” - (Baca CT 90)

Pendidikan Kristen adalah merupakan Pendidikan Missionaris.

Ny. White berkata: “Sekolah-sekolah kita menjalankan peraturan yang lebih tinggi, di mana tidak terjadi bentuk-bentuk ketidaksetiaan. Para murid harus dididik dalam hal Kekristenan yang praktis dan Alkitab haruslah dijunjung tinggi sebagai buku pelajaran yang paling penting.” - Fundamental of Education, halaman 231

Welcome to our EDUCATION

Kisah Rasul-rasul 2:38, 39. Ini tentu menjamin adanya pekerjaan Roh Kudus di dalam gereja, di dalam kenyataan-kenyataan yang istimewa, pada masa mendatang selama rahmat Kristus masih mengundang manusia untuk menerima kasih yang mengampuni itu. Dua puluh delapan tahun kemudian di dalam suratnya kepada orang-orang di Korinti, Paulus membentangkan kepada gereja itu tentang persoalan ini. Ia berkata, “Adapun akan hal segala karunia yang rohani, hai saudara-saudaraku, tiada aku suka kamu tiada mengetahui” —begitu penting hal ini sehingga ia merasa bahwa itu harus dimengerti oleh gereja Kristen. Setelah menyatakan bahwa sekalipun Roh itu satu Ia bekerja dalam berbagai macam cara dan menjelaskan cara-cara yang berbeda itu, ia memberikan gambaran dengan menyebutkan tentang tub uh manusia, dengan berbagai macam anggota-anggotanya untuk menunjukkan bagaimana gereja itu terdiri dari berbagai macam pekerjaan dan karunia. Dan sebagaimana tubuh itu mempunyai anggota-anggota tubuh yang berbeda-beda, masing-masing mempunyai tugas tersendiri untuk dilaksanakannya, dan semuanya itu bekerja bersama-sama dengan satu tujuan sehingga terjadilah satu keselarasan, begitu juga Roh itu bekerja melalui saluran yang berbedabeda di dalam gereja sehingga terbentuklah satu tubuh agama yang sempurna. Paulus kemudian melanjutkan dengan kata-kata seperti berikut ini: “Maka Allah telah menetapkan beberapa orang di dalam sidang jumaat, pertamatama rasul-rasul, kedua nabi-nabi, ketiga guru-guru, kemudian mujizat, kemudian pula kuasa menyembuhkan orang, pertolongan, pemerintahan, dan jenis-jenis karunia lidah.” {PB1 12.2}.

Senin, 22 Oktober 2018

We are the Pathfinder’s strong

There was a song I learned many, many years ago. A song I still remember today. Since I am one of the worlds worst singers I will quote the song in the poem format:

Oh, we are the Pathfinder’s strong
A servant of God are we
Faithful as we march along In truth and purity
A message to tell to the world
A truth that will set us free
King Jesus our Saviour is coming back For you and me.

I first learned the song in Norwalk, California at the age of ten when I first joined Pathfinder’s. Later I transferred to the Fullerton, California club and eventually by the time I was 16 was a member in La Habra, California.
When our children were old enough Karen and I decided to join our children in Pathfinder’s and eventually we became the leaders. We were Directors in Oceanside, CA. Then Norfolk, VA and finally Toms River, NJ. When we moved to Summerville we joined our children in the club here as counselors. We believed that what the Pathfinder’s had to offer was important to our children and to all children in the church.
Our children are grown now and Karen and I are blessed with grandchildren. Yet, we still believe in what the Pathfinder’s have to offer. We believe the message is still important not only for the children in our church, but also to us adults.
What I would like to do today is to review the message the Pathfinder’s have and the importance it has to us as a church and not just to our children. As a template for this message I am going to use the Pathfinder song, reviewing it line by line:

1. For we are the Pathfinder’s strong.
An army’s strength is in its unity. An army cannot win a battle or a war if each soldier fights independently. Tactics taught to the leaders and each soldier emphasizes that strength in numbers and in will is what wins the battle.
So it is true for each of us. We are God’s Army. We enlisted the day we joined our heart to God either through baptism or profession of faith. In God’s army just like man’s, we must be united in purpose. We must have faith in our leader. We must have surety that we are on the right side. Only through the strength of our unity, purpose, faith and our leader can we win the battle.

Turn with me to 2Timothy2:1 Timothy, my child, Christ Jesus is kind, and you must let him make you strong.
In the battles we face as we serve our Lord we must not shirk our duty.
We cannot be weak or unwilling to go forward in the face of a determined enemy.
We must be of strong courage and determination.
To achieve these attributes we must always reach out to God and claim His promise of strength, courage and determination. We must grow stronger each day.
We are told in Eph 6:10 Finally, be strong in the Lord, and in the strength of his might. The path to heaven will not be an easy one if we attempt it ourselves. Satan and his minions will contest every inch that we traverse. It is only through God’s strength will we successfully make it all the way.

2. The servants of God are we
What does it mean to be a servant of God? I know of whole sermons that have been spoken on this subject. Hundreds if not thousands of books have been written on the subject. I certainly am not going to take the time today to wax philosophic on the subject. I will however, describe what I think a servant should be in the uniform of God’s Army. When you say you are a servant you are declaring that there is someone above you directing your actions.
A servant is not necessarily a slave. Nor, is a servant always at the bottom of the chain of command. During medieval times it was not uncommon for a Knight to declare himself the servant of his liege lord. By acknowledging someone as his liege, the Knight was stating that he would do his lord’s bidding. Just like the noble Knight of old, when we say we are the servant of our Lord, Christ Jesus, we acknowledge that we have placed our life and our future in His hands and we are willing to do His bidding .
Paul tells us in Gal 1:10 I am not trying to please people. I want to please God. Do you think I am trying to please people? If I were doing that, I would not be a servant of Christ. In other words, we should not worry what others think or say. Our religious practices should not be of the variety that accommodates our schedule or our wants, but solely be that which pleases the Lord.
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Paul reminds us in Galatians that we should desire God’s favor and not man. A true servant is one that listens, learns and obey’s his master’s wishes. What is God’s wish for us?

3. Faithful as we march along in truth and purity.
Christ desires us to be faithful, true and pure. To be gentle to those that abuse us,
to be honest to those that deceive us,
to separate ourselves from the impure elements of our society and above all to worship God and Him only.
Sounds simple doesn’t it? Yet, we manage to mangle the job quite often. You might say that we have a problem focusing on the issues. Or, you could say we lost focus in our religion.
1 Corinth. 4:2 tells us we are to be faithful. Indeed, it is our duty first and foremost to be faithful stewards for our Master. Fidelity, or trust, is a cardinal virtue. As such, we must remain true and pure and not consort with those elements that do not meet the criteria as established by God. What criteria you ask? In verse 17 Paul tells the Corinthians to follow the example of Timothy.
Timothy adhered to the principles that Paul taught him. The principles that he wanted the Corinthians to follow. The same principles we should follow:
Never reply to verbal assaults with anything but kind words,
Never brag or place yourself above others
In all things be patient
Never be jealous of what others have
Always be faithful to the Lord.Ellen G. White tells us in Prophets and Kings pg 157:

Faith is needed in the world today--faith that will lay hold on the promises of God’s word and refuse to let go until Heaven hears. Faith such as this connects us closely with Heaven, and brings us strength for coping with the powers of darkness. Through faith God’s children have "subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens." Hebrews 11:33, 34. And through faith we today are to reach the heights of God’s purpose for us.
And in Acts of the Apostles pg 275 she tells us:
God’s servants are to work together, blending in kindly, courteous order, "in honor preferring one another." Romans 12:10. There is to be no unkind criticism, no pulling to pieces of another’s work; and there are to be no separate parties.
In addition, Jesus calls Himself “a faithful and true witness” in Revelation 3:14. Shouldn’t we also be faithful and true?

4. A message to tell to the world.
What is a Christian? Merriam-Webster’s dictionary states that a Christian is a follower of Jesus Christ. Nothing new there we all know that definition.
But aren’t we also suppose to be disciples of Christ? Again let us look at the dictionary’s definition. A disciple is: one who accepts and assists in spreading the words or doctrine of another.
As a member of the Pathfinder’s so many years ago, I was expected to spread the Message. How you may ask? We handed out literature during Ingathering or when collecting can goods in the fall. We spread the message by our behavior. We learned about the Bible and Jesus as we progressed in our class work and put into practice what we learned. In other words we spread the word by our actions and our deeds.
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Do the Pathfinder’s still practice spreading the message? How many of you watch the Rose Parade on New Year’s Day? The Rose Parade has been an institution in Southern California for over one hundred years. It has been televised internationally since I was a child. Every year the judges award prizes for the most innovative and beautiful floats. Over 50 floats compete for these prizes. During the parade a banner proceeds in front of each float that won a prize. Have you ever noticed who’s carrying the banners? For over ten years now the Pathfinder’s have been handling that responsibility only passing off the responsibility to the Boy Scouts when the parade is on the Sabbath. They don’t receive any special recognition or award for doing the job. But, they subtly announce their allegiance to God by wearing their uniform with pride so all the world can see.
Now, I ask you; are you a disciple? If you said yes, then I must ask: do you announce your allegiance to God by word or deed? If not, then I suggest you examine your heart and your faithfulness.

5. A truth that will set us free.
Ellen G White once stated: Let us dwell upon His rich promises, till our hearts are melted into tenderness and devotion. ... Go away free, for Jesus has set you free. He said, "I will give you rest. ... When you follow the light, walking in the path of truth,
As citizens of the USA we pride ourselves in the freedoms we enjoy.
Freedom of assembly
Freedom of speech
Freedom of the press
Freedom to travel within the confines of our country.
And of course, Freedom of Religion.
At times we take these freedoms for granted and are astonished when we hear of the restrictions placed on citizens in other countries. We are surprised when people in other countries are jailed without cause and forced to sit in their cell for weeks or months without a hearing.
We are saddened when we hear tales of people having to present their identity cards to officials at any time and for any reason and especially when they travel within their own country. We feel blessed to know that we are not required to pay tithe to a state religion even when we do not profess that particular faith as is done in many other countries.

Though some maybe prisoners of a political nature, the Bible tells us that all people can be free spiritually. Anyone accepting by faith the message of Christ and Him crucified can be set free. Free to love the Lord. Free to be accepted into Christ’s arms. Free to live in heaven for all eternity.
And finally,

6. King Jesus Our Savior is coming back for you and me!
Yet, all the above freedoms are political and manmade. We are, however here to focus on the spiritual truths that will provide us freedom. The truth I am speaking about is this:
Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was born of a woman,
He lived and walked on this earth for 33 years,
He was brutalized and crucified
He was buried in a tomb for three days
He arose from the grave
He ascended to heaven
And said He will come back for us.
That is the truth! That is what we need to proclaim! That is what will set us free from this evil prison and domain.
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Back in the 1840’s a farmer by the name of William Miller had a vision in which he was directed to spread the news of Christ’s return. Miller did not think he was adequate for the job and ignored the vision. However, God had other ideas and repeated the vision two more times before William Miller accepted the mission.
William Miller sat down and began to study the Scriptures. He did not believe it to be wise to proclaim Christ’s return without a thorough knowledge of the Bible’s message on Christ and His return. When he began his public ministry William Miller was not deterred by scepticism and heckling.
Miller first predicted that Christ would return on 21st March 1842, but then revised the date to April 3, 1843. Over 3,500 of his followers jammed the Boston Advent Temple, only to be disappointed. You might have thought that the movement would have died. But it didn’t. Rather it continued to grow.
Miller decided to recalculate his date for the Second Coming and soon publicized a new date - April 18, 1844. When the Messiah did not show up on that date, there was again frustration and some followers left the Adventist ranks. Undeterred by these failures, Miller came up with a third date - 22nd October 1844. The date was publicized as the Millerite publication True Midnight Cry. And, surprisingly, this third date again rallied his followers. They began to spread the news of the new date of the second coming with an enthusiasm that had not been seen before. Churches which did not accept this message were denounced as agents of Babylon. and the devil. And - despite opposition from established, mainline religious groups -, thousands of people including many clergy began to defect to the Millerite cult. As doomsday approached, the Millerites began to prepare. One account notes that fields were left unharvested, shops were closed, people quit their jobs, paid their debts, and freely gave away their possessions with no thought of repayment.
Huge press runs of Advent publications like The Midnight Cry warned the public that “The Time Is Short!” “ Prepare to Meet Thy God!” and “The Lord is Coming!”

William Miller himself began peddling white “ascension robes” to the faithful, many of whom waited for the miraculous event in freshly dug graves.
But as we all know, the Second Coming did not occur on 22nd October 1844.
Even though the Second Coming did not occur many people were not so much discouraged as they were inspired to study the Scriptures. From these events we the Seventh-day Adventist church and also the Jehovah’s Witnesses had their beginnings.
We also certainly know that William Miller wasn’t the first to proclaim the Second Coming of Christ. Again and again in the Bible we are told that Jesus will return again. In the New Testament Jesus and later the apostles constantly told the people that He, Jesus, would return.
Jesus speaking in Mark 13: 24 - 27; But after the suffering of those days, ’The sun will be darkened, the moon will not give its light,
Mar 13:25 the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers of heaven will be shaken loose.’
Mar 13:26 Then people will see ’the Son of Man coming in clouds’ with great power and glory.
Luke tells us in the opening chapter of Acts that while the apostles were gathered together on a hilltop Jesus ascended to heaven. Suddenly, two angels appeared among them and admonished them. Acts 1:11; They asked, "Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking up toward heaven? This same Jesus, who has been taken up from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you saw him go up into heaven."
Yes, Christ’s Second Coming has been announced by thousands of people over the centuries, but that doesn’t mean it won’t happen. Yes, millions of people have been disappointed that Christ didn’t arrive before they were laid to rest in their grave, but that doesn’t mean they won’t arise from their graves into Christ’s welcoming arms.
Peter warns us in 2Pe 3:1 Dear friends, this is now the second letter I am writing to you. In them I have been trying to stimulate your pure minds by reminding you
2Pe 3:2 to recall the words spoken in the past by the holy prophets and the commandment of our Lord and Savior spoken through your apostles.
2Pe 3:3 First of all you must understand this: In the last days mockers will come and, following their own desires, will ridicule us
2Pe 3:4 by saying, "What happened to his promise to return? Ever since our ancestors died, everything continues as it did from the beginning of creation."
2Pe 3:5 But they deliberately ignore the fact that long ago the heavens existed and the earth was formed by God’s word out of water and with water,
2Pe 3:6 by which the world at that time was deluged with water and destroyed.
2Pe 3:7 Now by the same word the present heavens and earth have been reserved for fire and are being kept for the day when ungodly people will be judged and destroyed.
2Pe 3:8 Don’t forget this fact, dear friends: With the Lord a single day is like a 1,000 years, and a 1,000 years are like a single day.
2Pe 3:9 The Lord is not slow about his promise, as some people understand slowness, but is being patient with you. He does not want anyone to perish, but wants everyone to come to repentance.
2Pe 3:10 But the Day of the Lord will come like a thief. On that day the heavens will disappear with a roaring sound, the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything done on it will be exposed.
2Pe 3:11 Since everything will be destroyed in this way, think of the kind of holy and godly people you ought to be
2Pe 3:12 as you look forward to and hasten the coming of the day of God, by which the heavens will be set ablaze and dissolved and the elements will melt with fire.
2Pe 3:13 But in keeping with his promise, we are looking forward to new heavens and a new earth, where righteousness is at home.
2Pe 3:14 So then, dear friends, since you are looking forward to this, make every effort to have him find you without spot or fault and at peace.
In closing I urge you, all of you to become like the Pathfinder’s and that is “a servant with a message.” A message to tell to the world. A message that will set people free.

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Kamis, 18 Oktober 2018

Jumat, 28 September 2018

The Pathfinder Club Emblem

The Pathfinder Club Emblem

Red (Sacrifice)
  • Reminds us of Christ. "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)
  • "Present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God" (Rom. 12: 1).
Three sides
  • Completeness of the Trinity -- Father, Son, Holy Spirit.
  • Tripod of education: Mental Crafts and Honors Physical Campouts, work bee, health focus Spiritual Outreach and personal spiritual development.
Gold (Excellence)
  • "I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich" (Rev. 3:18).
  • Standard of measurement. The Pathfinder Club has high standards to help build strong character for the kingdom of heaven.
Shield (Protection)
  • In the Scripture God is often called the shield of His people.(Protection) "Fear not ... I am thy shield" (Gen. 15:1)
  • "Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked." (Eph. 6:16)
White (Purity)
  • "He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment" (Rev. 3:5).
  • We desire to have the purity and righteousness of Christ's life in our lives.
Blue (Loyalty)
  • It is the purpose of the Pathfinder Club to help teach us to be loyal to: Our God in heaven. Our parents. Our church
  • Loyalty is defined as a reflection of the character of our True Master Guide.
Sword (Bible)
  • The sword is used in warfare. A battle is always won by offense. We are in a battle against sin, and our weapon is the Word of God.
  • The sword of the Spirit is the Word of God. (see Eph. 6:17)
Inverted Triangle
  • The inverted order of importance Jesus taught which is contrary to that taught by the world.
  • Sacrificing of one's self by placing the needs of others ahead of our own.
Pathfinder Club
  • The Pathfinder Club is one of the organizations of the world youth ministry of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

The Pathfinder Pledge and Law

The Pathfinder Pledge and Law

The Pledge and Law are the guiding principles of Pathfinders, the defining characteristic of the life of a Pathfinder. All members agree to abide by the Pledge and Law, to let them guide their actions, thoughts and lives in or out of uniform. 

The Pathfinder Pledge

By the grace of God, I will be pure, and kind, and true. I will keep the Pathfinder Law. I will be a servant of God and a friend to man.

The Pathfinder Law

The Pathfinder Law is for me to:
Keep the morning watch
Do my honest part
Care for my body,
Keep a level eye
Be courteous and obedient
Walk softly in the sanctuary,
Keep a song in my heart,
Go on God's errand.

Pathfinder Aim and Motto

Aim: The Advent Message to All the World in My Generation


My relationship to Jesus Christ is of such a nature that it compels me to share with any who will receive it, the gospel—the good news of His soon return.

Motto: The Love of Christ Compels Me


 I am drawn to Him by His exemplary life, the symbolic act of His crucifixion, His conquering resurrection, and His promise of an earth made new in the pattern of the original creation.  The closer I find myself to Him, the closer I find myself identifying with the needs of my fellow human beings.


The Pathfinder Song

Oh, we are the Pathfinders strong,
The servants of God are we.
Faithful as we march along,
In kindness, truth, and purity
A Message to tell to the world,
A truth that will set us free!
King Jesus the Savior's coming back
For you, and me!

The Pathfinder Song sheet music and lyrics in English, Spanish and French

Master Guide Requirements (revised for 2014)

Master Guide is the highest level of youth lay leadership in the Adventist Church. Below is the new Master Guide requirement card.

I. Prerequisites
    1. Be a baptized member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
    2. Have a written recommendation from your local church board, stating that the candidate is in regular standing.
    3. Be at least 16 years of age to start the Master Guide Leadership course and at least 18 years of age at completion.
    4. Have a completed Basic Staff Training Certification and been involved for a minimum of one year in one of the following ministries.
        a. Adventurers Ministries
        b. Pathfinders Ministries
*It will be helpful for a Master Guide in training to have exposure to both ministries, Adventurers and Pathfinders.

II. Spiritual Development
    1. Read or Listen to the book Steps to Christ or Steps to Christ Youth Edition and submit a one-page response focusing on the benefits of your reading.
    2. Complete the devotional guide “Encounter Series I, Christ the Way,” or complete another year-long Bible reading plan that covers the four Gospels and read the Desire of Ages or Humble Hero.
    3. Do one of the following.
        a. Keep a devotional journal for at least four weeks, summarizing what you learned in your devotional time and outlining how you are growing in faith.
        b. Compete the Steps to Discipleship Personal Spirituality curriculum.
        4. Earn the Pathfinder Evangelism Award.
    5. Prepare a two-paragraph summary of each of the 28 fundamental beliefs.
    6. Develop and present four of the following beliefs. Use of creative media is encouraged.
        a. Creation
        b. The Experience of Salvation
        c. Growing in Christ
        d. The Remnant and Its Mission
        e. Baptism
        f. Spiritual Gifts and ministries
        g. The Gift of Prophecy
        h. The Sabbath
        i. Christ’s Ministry in the Heavenly Sanctuary
        j. The Second Coming of Christ
        k. Death and Resurrection
    7. Enhance knowledge of Church Heritage by competing the following.
        a. Earn the Adventist Heritage Honor
        b. Read a book about SDA Youth Ministry such as:
            i. The Pathfinder Story by Robert Holbrook
            ii. We Are the pathfinders Strong: The First Fifty Years by Willie Oliver with Patricia Humphrey
            iii. Another book that is approved by your conference Youth, Pathfinder or Adventurer Director, or their designated Master Guide representative.
    8. Read a book about Church Heritage such as:
        a. Anticipating the Advent by George Knight
        b. Tell It to the World by Mervyn Maxwell
        c. Light Bearers to the Remnant by Richard W. Schwartz and Floyd Greenleaf
        d. The Church Heritage manual produced by the General Conference Youth Department
        e. Another book that is approved by your conference Youth, Pathfinder or Adventurer Director, or their designated Master Guide representative.
    9. Attend a seminar, or complete a 2 page (minimum) research paper about a standard temperament analysis program and complete the affiliated temperament inventory.

III. Skills Development

    1. Attend and complete a seminar in each of the following ten subjects (Each seminar must be at least 75 minutes long).
        a. How to be a Christian Leader & Leadership Skills
        b. Vision, Mission and Motivation
        c. Communication Theory and Listening Skills
        d. Practical Communication Practices
        e. Understanding Teaching and Learning Styles
        f. Creativity and Resource Development
        g. How to Prepare Effective Creative Worships
        h. Principles of Youth and Children’s Evangelism
        i. How to Lead a Child to Christ
        j. Understanding Your Spiritual Gifts
    2. Attend a seminar on Risk Management that focus’ on Adventurer and pathfinder activities.
    3. Attend a seminar on Child Abuse Prevention.
    4. Have or earn the following honors
        a. Christian Storytelling
        b. Camping Skills I-IV
        c. Basic Drilling and Marching
        d. Knots
    5. Earn two additional honors not previously earned: one from the list below and a skill level 2 or 3 honor from a list provided by your local conference.
        a. Crisis Intervention
        b. Nutrition
        c. Flags
    6. Hold a current First Aid & CPR certificate or its equivalent (instructor required).
    7. Supervise participants through either the Adventurer Curriculum or Pathfinder Investiture Achievement, or teach a Sabbath School class for children ages 6-15, or its equivalent for at least one year. (Candidates under 18 must have a supervising adult).

IV. Child Development
    1. Read or listen to the book Education and submit a one-page response focusing on the benefits of your reading.
    2. Read or listen to either Child Guidance or Messages to Young People and submit a one-page response focusing on the benefits of your reading.
    3. Attend one seminar dealing with child development relating to the age of your primary ministry group.
    4. Observe for a period of two hours a group of Adventurers or Pathfinders and write a reflection on their interaction.
    5. Attend a seminar on discipline.

V. Leadership Development
    1. Read a current book about “Leadership Skill Development” such as:
        a. Positive Church in a Negative World by John Arrias
        b. Take the Risk by Ben Carson
        c. Ellen White on Leadership by Cindy Tutsh
        d. Help! I’m Being Followed by Clinton Valleyn
        e. Another book that is approved by your conference Youth, Pathfinder or Adventurer Director, or their designated Master Guide representative.
    2. Demonstrate your leadership skills by doing the following:
        a. Develop and conduct three creative worships for children and/or teenagers.
        b. Participate in a leadership role with your local church children’s/youth group in a Conference sponsored event.
        c. Teach three Adventurer Awards or two Pathfinder Honors.
        d. Assist in planning and leading a field trip for a group of Adventurers, Pathfinders or Sabbath School class.
        e. Be an active Adventurers, Pathfinders or Sabbath School staff member for at least one year and attend at least 75% of all staff meetings.
    3. Write personal goals that you would like to accomplish in your ministry.
    4. Identify three current goals in your life, at least one of which is spiritually oriented, and list three goals or objects for each.

VI. Fitness Lifestyle Development
    1. Participate in a personal physical fitness plan by completing one of the following:
        a. A personal physical fitness program of your choice and according to your abilities, for at least three months.
        b. A school physical fitness program.
        c. The physical components of the AY Silver Award. If you already have the AY Silver Award, then complete the physical fitness components of the AY Gold Award.

VII. Documentation
    1. The Master Guide curriculum must be completed in a minimum of two years and a maximum of three years.
    2. All Master Guide candidates must document all work in a portfolio.
    3. Curriculum completion is under supervision of the conference Youth, Pathfinder or Adventurer Director, or their designated Master Guide representative.

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Sabtu, 14 April 2018

Dunia Komunikasi

Dunia Komunikasi dan Gadget: Evolusi alat Komunikasi, Menjelajah Jarak ...    ! Klik

Trik Juara Mengatur Waktu

Trik Juara Mengatur Waktu tidak bersama gadget   ! Klik

Kamis, 12 April 2018


Validitas adalah ketepatan atau kecermatan suatu instrumen dalam mengukur apa yang ingin dukur. Dalam pengujian instrumen pengumpulan data, validitas bisa dibedakan menjadi validitas faktor dan validitas item. Validitas faktor diukur bila item yang disusun menggunakan lebih dari satu faktor (antara faktor satu dengan yang lain ada kesamaan). Pengukuran validitas faktor ini dengan cara mengkorelasikan antara skor faktor (penjumlahan item dalam satu faktor) dengan skor total faktor (total keseluruhan faktor), sedangkan pengukuran validitas item dengan cara mengkorelasikan antara skor item dengan skor total item.
Pada pembahasan ini akan dibahas untuk metode pengujian validitas item. Validitas item ditunjukkan dengan adanya korelasi atau dukungan terhadap item total (skor total), perhitungan dilakukan dengan cara mengkorelasikan antara skor item dengan skor total item. Bila kita menggunakan lebih dari satu faktor berarti pengujian validitas item dengan cara mengkorelasikan antara skor item dengan skor faktor, kemudian dilanjutkan mengkorelasikan antara skor item dengan skor total faktor (penjumlahan dari beberapa faktor). Dari hasil perhitungan korelasi akan didapat suatu koefisien korelasi yang digunakan untuk mengukur tingkat validitas suatu item dan untuk menentukan apakah suatu item layak digunakan atau tidak. Dalam penentuan layak atau tidaknya suatu item yang akan digunakan, biasanya dilakukan uji signifikansi koefisien korelasi pada taraf signifikansi 0,05, artinya suatu item dianggap valid jika berkorelasi signifikan terhadap skor total. Atau jika melakukan penilaian langsung terhadap koefisien korelasi, bisa digunakan batas nilai minimal korelasi 0,30. Menurut Azwar (1999) semua item yang mencapai koefisien korelasi minimal 0,30 daya pembedanya dianggap memuaskan. Tetapi Azwar mengatakan bahwa bila jumlah item belum mencukupi kita bisa menurunkan sedikit batas kriteria 0,30 menjadi 0,25 tetapi menurunkan batas kriteria di bawah 0,20 sangat tidak disarankan. Untuk pembahasan ini dilakukan uji signifikansi koefisien korelasi dengan kriteria menggunakan r kritis pada taraf signifikansi 0,05 (signifikansi 5% atau 0,05 adalah ukuran standar yang sering digunakan dalam penelitian)
Pada program SPSS teknik pengujian yang sering digunakan para peneliti untuk uji validitas adalah menggunakan korelasi Bivariate Pearson (Produk Momen Pearson) dan Corrected Item-Total Correlation. Masing-masing teknik perhitungan korelasi akan dibahas sebagai berikut:
1.   Bivariate Pearson (Korelasi Produk Momen Pearson)
Analisis ini dengan cara mengkorelasikan masing-masing skor item dengan skor total. Skor total adalah penjumlahan dari keseluruhan item. Item-item pertanyaan yang berkorelasi signifikan dengan skor total menunjukkan item-item tersebut mampu memberikan dukungan dalam mengungkap apa yang ingin diungkap.
Pengujian menggunakan uji dua sisi dengan taraf signifikansi 0,05. Kriteria pengujian adalah sebagai berikut:
-         Jika r hitung > r tabel (uji 2 sisi dengan sig. 0,05) maka instrumen atau item-item pertanyaan berkorelasi signifikan terhadap skor total (dinyatakan valid).
-     Jika r hitung < r tabel (uji 2 sisi dengan sig. 0,05) atau r hitung negatif, maka instrumen atau item-item pertanyaan tidak berkorelasi signifikan terhadap skor total (dinyatakan tidak valid).

Contoh Kasus:
            Seorang mahasiswa bernama Andi melakukan penelitian dengan menggunakan skala untuk mengetahui atau mengungkap prestasi belajar seseorang. Andi membuat 10 butir pertanyaan dengan menggunakan skala Likert, yaitu angka 1 = Sangat tidak setuju, 2 = Tidak setuju, 3 = Setuju dan 4 = Sangat Setuju. Setelah membagikan skala kepada 12 responden didapatlah tabulasi data-data sebagai berikut:
                           Tabel 1. Tabulasi Data (Data Fiktif)
Skor Item
Langkah-langkah dengan program SPSS
Ø  Masuk program SPSS
Ø  Klik variable view pada SPSS data editor
Ø  Pada kolom Name ketik item1 sampai item10, kemudian terakhir ketikkan skortot (skor total didapat dari penjumlahan item1 sampai item10)
Ø  Pada kolom Decimals angka ganti menjadi 0 untuk seluruh item
Ø  Untuk kolom-kolom lainnya boleh dihiraukan (isian default)
Ø  Buka data view pada SPSS data editor
Ø  Ketikkan data sesuai dengan variabelnya, untuk skortot ketikkan total skornya.
Ø  Klik Analyze - Correlate - Bivariate
Ø  Klik semua variabel dan masukkan ke kotak variables
Ø  Klik OK. Hasil output yang diperoleh dapat diringkas sebagai berikut:

                        Tabel. Hasil Analisis  Bivariate Pearson

Dari hasil analisis didapat nilai korelasi antara skor item dengan skor total. Nilai ini kemudian kita bandingkan dengan nilai r tabel, r tabel dicari pada signifikansi 0,05 dengan uji 2 sisi dan jumlah data (n) = 12, maka didapat r tabel sebesar 0,576 (lihat pada lampiran tabel r).
Berdasarkan hasil analisis di dapat nilai korelasi untuk item 1, 9 dan 10 nilai kurang dari 0,576. Karena koefisien korelasi pada item 1, 9 dan 10 nilainya kurang dari 0,576 maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa item-item tersebut tidak berkorelasi signifikan dengan skor total (dinyatakan tidak valid) sehingga harus dikeluarkan atau diperbaiki. Sedangkan pada item-item lainnya nilainya lebih dari 0,576 dan dapat disimpulkan bahwa butir instrumen tersebut valid.

2.   Corrected Item-Total Correlation
Analisis ini dengan cara mengkorelasikan masing-masing skor item dengan skor total dan melakukan koreksi terhadap nilai koefisien korelasi yang overestimasi. Hal ini dikarenakan agar tidak terjadi koefisien item total yang overestimasi (estimasi nilai yang lebih tinggi dari yang sebenarnya). Atau dengan cara lain, analisis ini menghitung korelasi tiap item dengan skor total (teknik bivariate pearson), tetapi skor total disini tidak termasuk skor item yang akan dihitung. Sebagai contoh pada kasus di atas kita akan menghitung item 1 dengan skor total, berarti skor total didapat dari penjumlahan skor item 2 sampai item 10. Perhitungan teknik ini cocok digunakan pada skala yang menggunakan item pertanyaan yang sedikit, karena pada item yang jumlahnya banyak penggunaan korelasi bivariate (tanpa koreksi) efek overestimasi yang dihasilkan tidak terlalu besar.
Menurut Azwar (2007) agar kita memperoleh informasi yang lebih akurat mengenai korelasi antara item dengan tes diperlukan suatu rumusan koreksi terhadap efek spurious overlap
Pengujian menggunakan uji dua sisi dengan taraf signifikansi 0,05. Kriteria pengujian adalah sebagai berikut:
-     Jika r hitung > r tabel (uji 2 sisi dengan sig. 0,05) maka instrumen atau item-item pertanyaan berkorelasi signifikan terhadap skor total (dinyatakan valid).
-     Jika r hitung < tabel (uji 2 sisi dengan sig. 0,05) atau r hitung negatif, maka instrumen atau item-item pertanyaan tidak berkorelasi signifikan terhadap skor total (dinyatakan tidak valid).
Sebagai contoh kasus kita menggunakan contoh kasus dan data-data pada analisis produk momen di atas.
Langkah-langkah pada program SPSS
Ø  Masuk program SPSS
Ø  Klik variable view pada SPSS data editor
Ø  Pada kolom Name ketik item1 sampai item 10
Ø  Pada kolom Decimals angka ganti menjadi 0 untuk seluruh item
Ø  Untuk kolom-kolom lainnya boleh dihiraukan (isian default)
Ø  Buka data view pada SPSS data editor
Ø  Ketikkan data sesuai dengan variabelnya,
Ø  Klik Analyze - Scale – Reliability Analysis
Ø  Klik semua variabel dan masukkan ke kotak items
Ø  Klik Statistics, pada Descriptives for klik scale if item deleted
Ø  Klik continue, kemudian klik OK, hasil output yang didapat adalah sebagai berikut:
Tabel. Hasil Analisis Validitas Item dengan
Teknik Corrected Item-Total Correlation
         R E L I A B I L I T Y  A N A L Y S I S  -  S C A L E (A L P H A)
Item-total Statistics
                       Scale            Scale       Corrected
                      Mean         Variance       Item-          Alpha
                     if Item          if Item         Total           if Item
                    Deleted        Deleted    Correlation   Deleted
ITEM1         27.2500        29.8409        .4113           .8345
ITEM2         27.2500        28.0227        .6151           .8157
ITEM3         27.4167        25.7197        .8217           .7933
ITEM4         26.9167        26.6288        .7163           .8046
ITEM5         26.9167        29.5379        .5603           .8223
ITEM6         27.2500        25.8409        .7764           .7975
ITEM7         27.3333        25.1515        .6784           .8078
ITEM8         27.2500        27.1136        .5679           .8204
ITEM9         26.8333        32.8788        .1866           .8482
ITEM10        27.0833       35.3561      -.1391           .8683
Reliability Coefficients
N of Cases =     12.0                    N of Items = 10
Alpha =    .8384
Dari output di atas bisa dilihat pada Corrected Item – Total Correlation, inilah nilai korelasi yang didapat. Nilai ini kemudian kita bandingkan dengan nilai r tabel, r tabel dicari pada signifikansi 0,05 dengan uji 2 sisi dan jumlah data (n) = 12, maka didapat r tabel sebesar 0,576 (lihat pada lampiran tabel r).
Dari hasil analisis dapat dilihat bahwa untuk item 1, 5, 9 dan 10 nilai kurang dari 0,576. Karena koefisien korelasi pada item 1, 5, 9 dan 10 nilainya kurang dari 0,576 maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa butir instrumen tersebut tidak valid. Sedangkan pada item-item lainnya nilainya lebih dari 0,576 dan dapat disimpulkan bahwa butir instrumen tersebut valid.
Sebagai catatan: analisis korelasi pada contoh kasus di atas hanya dilakukan satu kali, untuk mendapatkan hasil validitas yang lebih memuaskan maka bisa dilakukan analisis kembali sampai 2 atau 3 kali, sebagai contoh pada kasus di atas setelah di dapat 6 item yang valid, maka dilakukan analisis korelasi lagi untuk menguji 6 item tersebut, jika masih ada item yang tidak signifikan maka digugurkan, kemudian dianalisis lagi sampai didapat tidak ada yang gugur lagi.