Pendidikan Agama Kristen Advent

Pendidikan Kristen itu adalah Pendidikan Yang Alkitabiah.

“Karena Allah merupakan sumber segala pengetahuan yang benar…Kitab Suci adalah standar sempurna kebenaran …oleh sebab itu harus diberi tempat tertinggi dalam pendidikan.”Mari kita renungkan, apakah sekolah tempat kita menyekolahkan anak-anak kita adalah merupakan sekolah yang mengutamakan “Alkitab”? - Ny. White menuliskan dalam buku Pendidikan, halaman 16

Pendidikan Kristen adalah Pendidikan Yang Seimbang.

Berbeda dengan pendidikan lainnya, pendidikan Kristen itu berusaha untuk mendidik orang-orang muda secara seimbang dalam 3H yakni head, hand and heart. Ellen White mengatakan: “Pembangunan tabiat merupakan tugas terpenting yang pernah dipercayakan kepada manusia.” Sekolah mana yang menyadari hal ini? - (Education, p. 225)

Pendidikan Kristen adalah merupakan Pendidikan yang Praktis.

Di sekolah Kristen anak-anak dididik untuk taat, berdisiplin, tahu menghargai waktu, mau bekerja dengan tangan, ulet, rajin, jujur, setia dalam melakukan pekerjaan, yang semuanya ini bertujuan untuk membangun mereka menjadi manusia yang praktis, berdayaguna, elegan dan dapat dipercaya. Tersedianya lapangan pekerjaan bagi para pelajar dan mahasiswa di lembaga pendidikan Kristen seperti di SLA Purwodadi adalah merupakan respons terhadap apa yang Ellen White sebutkan - dalam buku Education, halaman 225

Pendidikan Kristen mengajarkan Kepada Anak Didiknya Bersosial.

Kehidupan sosial di sekolah-sekolah Kristen dibuat merupakan aplikasi dari tulisan Ellen White , “pendidikan itu mencakup segenap lingkungan kewajiban, terhadap diri sendiri, terhadap dunia, terhadap Allah.” Di sekolah mana lagi kita menemukan hal seperti ini, kecuali di sekolah Kristen. - dalam buku Pendidikan, halaman 225

Pendidikan Kristen adalah merupakan Pendidikan Missionaris.

Sebagai lembaga Pendidikan Kristen, sekolah kita menyadari eksistensinya di dunia ini bukan seperti sekolah-sekolah lain. Keberadaan sekolah Kristen ialah dengan maksud agar para pelajar dan mahasiswanya dapat menjadi jembatan penghubung antara manusia dengan Allah. Pendidikan Kristen adalah merupakan sekolah missionaris. Ellen White menuliskan: “Setiap murid yang sejati dilahirkan ke dalam kerajaan Allah sebagai seorang missionaris.” - dalam buku Kerinduan Segala Zaman, jilid I halaman 175

Pendidikan Kristen adalah merupakan Pendidikan Missionaris.

Dalam kegiatan-kegiatan ekstrakurikuler di sekolah kita para pelajar dilatih untuk menjadi missionaris, mereka diajak untuk mengadakan perlawatan, penginjilan ke penjara dan melakukan pekerjaan missionaris yang lainnya. Karena sekolah kita sangat meyakini sepenuhnya bahwa: “Pendidikan bukan hanya mempengaruhi hidup kita saat ini, tetapi juga mempengaruhi kehidupan kita sampai kepada kekekalan.” - (Baca CT 90)

Pendidikan Kristen adalah merupakan Pendidikan Missionaris.

Ny. White berkata: “Sekolah-sekolah kita menjalankan peraturan yang lebih tinggi, di mana tidak terjadi bentuk-bentuk ketidaksetiaan. Para murid harus dididik dalam hal Kekristenan yang praktis dan Alkitab haruslah dijunjung tinggi sebagai buku pelajaran yang paling penting.” - Fundamental of Education, halaman 231

Welcome to our EDUCATION

Kisah Rasul-rasul 2:38, 39. Ini tentu menjamin adanya pekerjaan Roh Kudus di dalam gereja, di dalam kenyataan-kenyataan yang istimewa, pada masa mendatang selama rahmat Kristus masih mengundang manusia untuk menerima kasih yang mengampuni itu. Dua puluh delapan tahun kemudian di dalam suratnya kepada orang-orang di Korinti, Paulus membentangkan kepada gereja itu tentang persoalan ini. Ia berkata, “Adapun akan hal segala karunia yang rohani, hai saudara-saudaraku, tiada aku suka kamu tiada mengetahui” —begitu penting hal ini sehingga ia merasa bahwa itu harus dimengerti oleh gereja Kristen. Setelah menyatakan bahwa sekalipun Roh itu satu Ia bekerja dalam berbagai macam cara dan menjelaskan cara-cara yang berbeda itu, ia memberikan gambaran dengan menyebutkan tentang tub uh manusia, dengan berbagai macam anggota-anggotanya untuk menunjukkan bagaimana gereja itu terdiri dari berbagai macam pekerjaan dan karunia. Dan sebagaimana tubuh itu mempunyai anggota-anggota tubuh yang berbeda-beda, masing-masing mempunyai tugas tersendiri untuk dilaksanakannya, dan semuanya itu bekerja bersama-sama dengan satu tujuan sehingga terjadilah satu keselarasan, begitu juga Roh itu bekerja melalui saluran yang berbedabeda di dalam gereja sehingga terbentuklah satu tubuh agama yang sempurna. Paulus kemudian melanjutkan dengan kata-kata seperti berikut ini: “Maka Allah telah menetapkan beberapa orang di dalam sidang jumaat, pertamatama rasul-rasul, kedua nabi-nabi, ketiga guru-guru, kemudian mujizat, kemudian pula kuasa menyembuhkan orang, pertolongan, pemerintahan, dan jenis-jenis karunia lidah.” {PB1 12.2}.

Senin, 15 Februari 2021


WEB  CPR! klik

Extended Overview


There is no more common cause of death in the United States than heart disease. And while heart attacks, cardiac arrest, and other dangerous ailments are most common among older adults, the fact is that they can strike anyone at any time. This is why getting a CPR certification is so important. Having an army of individuals equipped to respond to such situations while the ambulance is on its way is a decisive factor in saving lives.

More and more offices, health teams, and curious individuals are pursuing CPR certification online as well, either in response to government regulation or simply to enrich their lives. The increased interest is good news for those threatened by heart disease, however, busy professionals often struggle to have the time to fit the proper CPR online course and training into their daily schedule. National CPR Foundation responds by offering easily within reach certification courses that can be completed quickly and at minimal cost.

For maximum convenience, however, the obvious choice is online CPR certification. A new option that is quickly gaining in popularity by those who need to complete their CPR certification efficiently, our online CPR training class allows you to complete a virtual lesson, take a CPR test, and receive your own CPR certification in under an hour without having to leave the comfort of your favorite chair. Find out more about our CPR/AED course and how it can save you time and money during your certification process.

Still have questions? Find out everything you need to know about CPR cost, certification, testing, and more below.


All of us have heard of CPR, but how many actually know what it is? In our CPR certification course, you will be able to find out for yourself, and learn how to effectively implement the associated techniques to adults, children, and infants.

CPR stands for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, and it is a series of techniques that are designed to restore a heartbeat to those who have drowned, experienced a stroke or cardiac arrest, or had a heart attack. Since these life-or-death situations require fast action, having an in-depth understanding of the techniques is essential.

AED is the other component of the comprehensive online course offered through National CPR Foundation. It stands for Automated External Defibrillator training and will prepare those taking the course how to effectively use one of the most important pieces of medical equipment available today. Designed to be a follow-up procedure after CPR is administered, AED training continues to save lives to this day.

Through a combination of chest compressions and mouth-to-mouth ventilations, those administering CPR hope to restore a pulse and regular breath to those who have fallen unconscious. There is much more to the training than this, including how to identify a victim properly, how to administer the technique to different age groups, and legal rights for certification holders. In the end, a quality CPR certification course will cover all of the essentials thoroughly, and leave you feeling confident in your ability to act correctly when the need arises.

CPR Certification

Your CPR certification is simply the document that attests to your being trained and allows you to perform CPR on those in need. Making sure you get your documentation through a trustworthy provider is important. Getting the proper certification is crucial, since those who are improperly certified may not comply with government regulations, and may not be protected by the Good Samaritan laws that are so important to care providers.

Once the CPR class and final online CPR training test are completed, your paper CPR certification can be printed out instantly at your home or office. In just days, your official certification card will be delivered by mail.

CPR certification cost

Understandably, CPR cost is one of the more important factors for those choosing from a variety of different certification programs. National CPR Foundation seeks to differentiate itself from the other options by offering free CPR class and training modules to anyone interested. You can see for yourself right now, by clicking any of the course options above and getting started. You can click through each of the modules to learn everything you know and complete your final CPR test without spending a dime.

The payment comes into play after the test is complete. At that point, you can choose to purchase your CPR certification for just $12.95. You can take the test as many times as necessary until you pass, and there are no hidden fees.

If you are certifying a group of five or more, take advantage of our group discount offers. This lets you save upwards of 20% on the total cost of your group’s certification, making our services even more accessible to offices and professional health teams of all kinds. The larger your group, the more you save, meaning there is no reason not to give it a try.

Free CPR certification class and training

The CPR/AED course offered through National CPR Foundation details all of the necessary information needed to feel fully equipped in the face of an emergency. Covering all of the steps to keep adults, children, and infants safe, it is a truly comprehensive resource. Get a brief overview of the CPR/AED modules below.

What's included?

  1. Good Samaritan - The foundation of our CPR/AED certification course is an understanding of the legal precedents that allow first-responders to do their work. Pay close attention, since knowing your rights will make you a more effective resource in an emergency and let you deliver the appropriate care with confidence.
  2. Adult - Most often, CPR is administered to adults who have suffered cardiac arrest, a heart attack, or stroke. In this important module, you will have access to photos and video that will walk you through all necessary steps. Through a combination of chest compressions and mouth-to-mouth ventilation, blood circulation and consciousness can be restored.
  3. Child - Children come with their own needs as far as CPR is concerned, and knowing the right way to respond is more important than ever. Delivering improper care can easily hurt a small child which is what makes this particular module indispensable. Learn how to treat a variety of age groups in any number of common situations.
  4. Infant - As the most vulnerable among us, infants must be treated with special care to ensure that no harm is caused to their fragile bodies during the CPR process. In this module, you will learn how to restore breath and circulation to infants during a witnessed collapse and with one rescuer or two.
  5.  Automated External Defibrillator (AED) - The goal of AED administration is to restore a heartbeat to a patient after CPR has failed. This module will explain how this technology can be put to use in an emergency situation and will walk you through all the steps of operating the device. Once this final lesson has been completed, the final step is to take your CPR test and claim your certification.

CPR certification test

The CPR Training Test is the final step in your certification journey. Designed to review everything learned through the course modules, the final exam is thorough as well as focused. Consisting of ten multiple choice questions that cover all of the important aspects of CPR and AED, it can be completed in a few minutes and may be taken as many times as necessary before you pass. After the CPR test has been completed, you will have the option of purchasing your certification.

CPR Recertification

All forms of certification available on National CPR Foundation expire after two years. The reason for this is to keep practitioners’ skill sets up to par and to ensure the health of patients. Refresher courses should ideally be completed much more quickly than the first test, but still serve as a way to improve the knowledge of first-response caregivers.

At National CPR Foundation, those seeking CPR recertification have the option of skipping the course modules and heading straight to the final test. Of course, those who would still like access to a suite of informative CPR and AED resources are welcome to review any of the available modules at their discretion. However, if you are confident in your existing CPR/AED knowledge, then the full recertification process can be completed in less than 15 minutes.

CPR certification validity

It should come as no surprise that the internet is full of discreditable offers that do not offer the same level of CPR validity that you are hoping for. With National CPR Foundation’s online offerings, those who pass the course will enjoy all of the same benefits as those receiving in-person instruction straight from the American Heart Association. In fact, our certifications are endorsed by AHA trained professionals.

When it comes to first-response health, investing in a provider who makes you feel confident is important. With all the right resources to keep you informed, clear and quality instruction, and a backing by the biggest names in emergency care, National CPR Foundation is one of the few that can deliver quality with convenience.

Earn Your CPR Certification Today!